Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Play Dates

Back in September I started taking Bubba for walks in the afternoons. This is how I met my new mommy friend.

I was walking through our condo's parking lot with the stroller when a blue SUV stopped next to us, the window unrolled, and she yelled out "Hey! I didn't know you had a baby!"

I thought to myself who is this woman? I was caught a little off guard, besides that I had been stuck in the house with Bubba for the past two months and had not socialized in a while.

So I replied, "Um, yup I did."  She told me to stop by anytime and I said "Sure, I will" not really sure if she meant it.

I may seem pretty outgoing, having a blog and all, telling strangers about my life, but as I get older I am getting more shy and nervous about just jumping out there and meeting new people.

Bubba and I continued our walk and along the way he fell asleep. As I got back home I had the urge to find out if she meant it, "Did she really want me to stop by sometime or was she just being neighborly?" I said to myself "I think I will stop by, right now..."

I knocked on the sliding glass door like she said, and out she came. We sat and talked on her porch while Bubba napped. She was funny and we got along well, and she had a son only two months older than Bubba. We exchanged numbers and said goodbye. I was so glad to have made a new friend.

Later that evening I texted her with an invite to a festival we were going to with some other friends. I waited anxiously for a response. She was busy but said we would try again soon to meet up. Was I too eager?  I thought to myself. Did I contact her too soon? Surely the rules of dating did not apply to making mommy friends, although I was not good at following the wait to call rule when dating either. I called my husband on the way home from the bar the same night I got his number.

She called!

I was invited on a girls night  to see a movie at a local theater. Night Shift was playing and Henry Winkler was hosting it. We got to meet him! I got the Bubba an autographed copy of his book Hank Zipzer. Did you know that Fonzy wrote children's books? I did, but only because when I talked to my mom earlier in the day and told her that I was going to meet Henry Winkler she mentioned it. Moms always know interesting stuff like that. Note to self: I have to remember interesting fun facts like that for Bubba.

Henry Winkler was so nice! He posed for a picture with me and asked me about my son who he was autographing the book for. And the movie was not bad either.

It was a great first mommy play date.

I try to use this unexpected meeting to remind myself that you never know what the day is going to bring you, so get out there and don't be afraid.

♪ These daaays are aaaall happy and free. ♫ Those happy days...

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